Sunday, June 10, 2007

one week to go

It's Sunday night, after 1 AM. I've seen more of this side of midnight lately than I have all year. It's amazing how, when you have a show to do, you pull everything out of you and suddenly an almost herculean strength comes pouring out of you and you have more energy than ever before. I'm barely sleeping--when I do it is light and filled with guns and news casts and images from the war or violence in America. This show has permeated every pore of my being. And yet.
Why do we do theatre? I think it was Tony Kushner who spoke once about the "icky reality" of real people experiencing real things in real time. And it is that amazingly vulnerable and totally real place where theatre can put those of us creating it and also the audience that makes all this so worth it.
I may not be very articulate tonight. But you get what I mean.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Test 2

New blog, that will now be written in sometimes!